Powering Up Jobs
in the sunny south
Solar power has exploded in the US over the past few years.
Across the US, we are now powering the equivalent of 3.5 million homes with solar—a new solar system is installed every 3 minutes.
This has brought new businesses into our communities ...
…as installing solar panels has become as simple as leasing a car in some states.
The Results?
Thousands of
new jobs
86% increase in the
past five years.
GOOD jobs
Average $20–$60
per hour
Nearly 17,000
military veterans work
in the solar industry.
The Sunny South
may have the
most to gain.
but ...
Monopoly utilities in some states are trying to protect their turf with:
- solar taxes
Solar Taxes: Some utilities impose heavy fees and taxes on customers who go solar. When they claim these taxes are justified because solar customers don’t pay their fair share, these utilities ignore the significant benefits and added power that solar customers provide to everyone.
- efforts to block
customers who
want to finance
solar systems-
Limited financing options for customers: Some utilities rely on outdated monopoly protection laws to keep out independent solar companies who could offer financing options to customers, lowering or eliminating the upfront costs of installing solar panels.
- Attacks on net metering
Attacks on net metering: Some utilities are trying to roll back net metering, a common sense policy that gives customers fair credit for the excess solar power that they generate for other customers on the electricity grid.
Here’s how that’s
left us behind:
Click on a state
Current State Ranking (Solar Installed)*
Parts of the country like the Northeast – not known for its abundant sunshine – are outpacing the South on rooftop solar installations.
Learn More